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The lie of "built in survival"

Okay so in minecraft there's been really impressive and good looking builds on the internet that are supposedly "made in survival". Now, most of the time this isn't a straight up lie. Most of the time, they actually placed all the blocks in the world without going into creative and gathered all the blocks and its like legit and all. Thats not the part I care about.

While placing that many blocks in complicated patterns and gathering all the many many shulkers of materials is all you need to place the structure in your world, It's not the entire process. What makes the build look good is the designing part. The part where you're deciding what the build is gonna be and what it's gonna look like and figuring out all the shapes, which textures to use, where to put all the details. Most of the time that part is done in creative, where you have no worries about dying or standing on ground or having materials and you can try anything with no consequences at all. Compare that to the whole process being done in survival, where you would be having to eyeball stuff all the time, guess which blocks would look good and if you mess up you just wasted a bunch of your time and you have to redo a bunch of stuff.

It's easier in creative. That's the whole point of doing it in creative, and it makes builds done that way less impressive as worse looking, maybe smaller builds made fully in survival.

That's it I don't know how to end this

like this i guess

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