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A set of things I'm interested in and would like to share. Features an I'm feeling lucky button

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Find me

A list of accounts and profiles I own on online platforms


What I've been doing and focusing on recently. See nownownow.com for more info about /now pages



Not many more who have a website...

About me

Hi! I'm 16 and from Italy, I have a passion for programming and technology in general. I like to play games (mostly minecraft, but sometimes other stuff as well), watch videos on youtube and nebula and sometimes (rarely) draw stuff.

But generic descriptions are kind of boring. See more detailed stuff below :3


Music is a big part of my life - in fact, one of the few active project I'm working on is a music player!

I listen to music in just about any situation: playing games, programming, studying...

Here's some of my favorite artists!

  • Gideon

    Their music is catchy and easy to mindlessly listen to while doing something else

  • Ivycomb

    Their music helps me calm down when I get too stressed

  • Snuffles

    Their music is great to relax and for getting stuff off my mind. I also listen to it to study cause it helps with not getting distracted every 2 seconds

  • Caparezza

    I listen to their albums when I'm doing something mindless (or nothing else at all) and I'm gonna be able to put my attention to the music


While I watch causual youtube videos most of the time, there's some more produced shows/series that I follow more closely.

  • Jet lag (nebula)

    Jet lag is a travel game show where players compete in some challenge that involves travelling across a country (or multiple). The goal, rules and location change every season (seasons are around 6-7 episodes each with one episode releasing per week)

  • The getaway

    The getaway is a show where six creators complete challenges to get money into a stash which will reflect their prize at the end of the show. There is a snitch who will need to sneakily sabotage the challenges to get the money for themselves. But there's a twist: they're all snitches. And they all think they're the only snitch. This creates a really fun dynamic where everyone thinks they're the special player carrying the whole game, and behave as such.

  • Life series

    The life series is a minecraft series created by Grian (featuring many other creators) that revolves around having a limited amount of lives, with the goal being surviving as long as possible and being the last person alive on the server. The specfic way of limiting the lives and other twists change each season.


As I mentioned before, I play a lot of minecraft. I like messing around with its techincal aspects, building, playing minigames and writing code to interact with it (in one way or another).

But minecraft isn't the only game I like. Here's some more!

  • Ori and the Blind Forest

    I really liked basically every aspect of this game. The story, graphics, and gameplay are great. But what really made me love it is the music - it makes the game so immersive and each track fits well with its corresponding moment in the game. I actually bought the soundtrack and still listen to it from time to time, it's like experiencing the game again.

  • Celeste

    Celeste's gameplay and story are cool. I like it being difficult enough where you'll probably die a bunch of times but not too hard where you're stuck at the same point for ages.

    Admittedly I haven't actually finished it :P the part after reaching the top (I'll avoid more details to not spoil it) was a bit too hard for me and I gave up trying to complete it

  • Beat saber

    Beat saber is the reason I got my VR headset and basically the only thing I use it for. The gameplay is very fun and it's a fun way to do some exercise. Sadly I don't play it as much as I'd like because it takes a bit to set everything up to use vr and the game doesn't work under linux (for me, at least) and it's annoying to switch between os's every time I wanna play.

  • Geometry dash

    Okay fine, I'll mention the game at the top of my steam profile.. I don't think there's a single aspect that made me like it as much as I did. But I've lost interest recently, I don't have time to grind the same level for days anymore.

  • Stray

    Stray has an awesome story, great graphics and fun gameplay. It has both slow paced puzzles and action packed moments and it does both well. Be ready for emotionally heavy moments on your first playthrough, there's gonna be a few.

    I found out about this game from the song Open the Sky by The Stupendium.

  • Cult of the Lamb

    Didn't finish this one yet (I'm planning to) but I liked it so far. I like the challenge to get enough resources for anything necessary at the right time while also making time for crusades. It doesn't seem like much when I describe it like that, but there are points where your cult is doing horribly and needs a ton of stuff done and you need to multitask a lot of things while being quick at them.

    I found out about this game from the multiple songs by Ivycomb and Wool Over Our Eyes by The Stupendium



Java HTML/CSS Shell script Lua C Python Javascript

I am aware that HTML/CSS isn't a programming language, but I'm not making a whole widget for a single markup language


Here's the current time in my timezone (CET):



Here's how my name is pronounced in IPA (english, united states).


You can use an IPA reader if you don't know how to read it.

No, it is not pronounced as "black i love you kat".

Yes, that is a mistake people often make


I'm so tireddd I wanna do nothing